Different Cargo Module Screens

Under NDA

I have got great opportunities to work with some interesting ux solutions in Cargo Module Screens but due to the IP and NDA reason i could not detail them in the portfolio. I can walk you through them in the one to one call.

Some of the different cargo module screens that i have created
Booking Creation Screen

Booking refers to reserving a space for commodities on a flight or series of flights. Screen is used for create a booking.

Capture AWB Screen

This module helps to capture the details of an Airway Bill, which is a document that evidences the contract between the air carrier and the shipper for the carriage of goals.

DG Overview Screen

This module is used to list down the details of dangerous goods in cargo. Check documentation and packages for indications of undeclared dangerous goods.

Security and Screening

This Screen is used for capturing security and screening details by warehouse users.

Shift Report Screen

The screen is used to view report of the previous shifts of warehouse users by a supervisor.


The screen is used to find out the OAL and OWN flight revenues payables and recievables.